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Who is Kevin Charles?  Why would I like to read his novels?


The answer is rather simple.  He is a South Florida writer who likes to entertain his fellow locals with the mysteries of this weird and wondrous place we call home.


Do not dwell on genres, when it comes to his writing, he is as diverse as they come.  Always bordering on the realm of non-fiction, he weaves together tales of overcoming adversity with murder and mayhem.


Raised outside of Philadelphia, he has been a world traveler and gypsy, never staying too long in any one place.  From the Caribbean, to South East Asia, and from the South Pacific to the mountains of Austria, K.C. has lived, learned, and loved on every continent except one.


Entering his third decade of published works, the former scuba diving instructor/travel agent/ IT guru, knows a little about a lot and never fails to bring it to the page.


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